Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun with the Fam

Recently we went up to the Cache County fair and rodeo with relatives, here is a pic of Nora playing with her twin cousins Clint and Cole...they are almost 1 and Nora is almost as big as they are, she definitely isn't going hungry. The fair was great. We found Aaron a new wedding ring for 18 dollars (embracing our WT roots) and many cute bows for Nora. Aaron doesn't really appreciate the bows since they are as big as Nora's head, but you've gotta love 'em! We also took Nora up the canyon with some friends for tin-foil dinners and s'mores. She was mesmerized by the fire and really enjoyed it....although being the mom who had to do all the prep work and clean-up with an over-tired baby, I can't say I am anxoius to do it again anytime soon.

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