Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dear Stella.

Sorry this note didn't get written on your 3 month birthday. I have thought about it everyday, but we've been trying to get the new apt. ready and life has been crazy. I am lucky that you are such an easy laid back baby. While painting at the apt. yesterday I turned around to find you like this... ...You have loved to look at toys lately and are starting to grab for them. You especially like your Ikea playgym. (Best $25 spent on a baby item!) You also rolled over from you stomach to your back for the first time today!!! You giggle now and it is the cutest thing EVER! The first time you laughed it was because you thought Beast (the dog) was funny. I guess I have to start liking that pooch from now on. You continue to tolerate your sister pestering you and smothering you with hugs/kisses. This month has also required the need to drag out the 6 month clothes from the basement....I looove your rolls! You are such a sweetheart Stella. Your Daddy, Nora and I are lucky to have you! Happy 3 months.

I love you to the stars!

Love, Mom

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