Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Boy Engine Can Could.

Otherwise known as:
My sweet Toosie has really enjoyed watching this movie at my mom's house lately. On VHS of course, since it is around from my childhood.  I might need to add it to my list of Christmas ideas for the girls that I am slowly compiling.
I used to hate this movie as a kid. Probably because my little brother Hunter was mildly obsessed with it so we had to watch it so many times. But watching it as an adult I keep finding myself singing the song that plays as they brave the storm while chugging up the mountain.
"There's not a mountain that we can't climb! There's not a river we can't make it over! There's no tomorrow that we can't find if we try! You know we're gonna make it! Nothing can stop us now!"
Also for uplifiting your Saturday, Henry David Thoreau said it well:
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Enough of me being my own motivational speaker.

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